Thursday, March 31, 2011

Short & Sweet . . . .

Well, Thursday is over . . . already. Really this week has been a blur, in a good way, but a blur nonetheless.

A week from tonight I will be all giddy and excited because next Friday I will be boarding a plane for San Francisco. My most favorite city in the whole wide world. To do what? Run!!! With 3 extra days to just BE in the city. I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm giddy now, dammit! I can't believe I'm actually doing it. So happy that I am, though.

I have breakfast with a girlfriend I haven't seen in many, many years scheduled for Saturday morning and lunch with a girlfriend I love dearly, but whom I've never met on Saturday afternoon. Then I'm hoping that my ex-brother-in-law and his partner will be in town and available to have dinner with me Saturday night! That would just make it perfect, really. Perfect. God is so good to me, I have a feeling things will work out.

Today I did not get up and run because I stayed up way to late. 10 o'clock is way to late for me these days! Certainly to late to be up if I want to get up at 4 a.m., and run. So I didn't get up. I actually didn't get up til quarter to 6 and I try to leave for work by 6:25 at the latest. It was rushed, to say the least.

Didn't run, but I did lift weights -- did Cathe's STS Disc #2 -- feeling good about that. I was really sore today, from STS #1 on Tuesday, but once my muscles got worked out I felt better. I anticipate sleeping good tonight and getting up to run in the morning.

Secretly I want to run my 8 mile loop again tomorrow but I question whether I should considering I have ever intention of running at least 16 on Saturday. We shall see, we shall see. I'll never know if I don't try. . . right?

Good things that happened today.

1) There was very little rain and a great deal more sun than we Portlanders have seen in a while.

2) My beau gave me two free Blazer tickets he received for test driving a Kia so that I may take my youngest son to the game on Tuesday evening.

3) I had a pleasant conversation with my landlady today.

4) Tomorrow my oldest son comes for the weekend.

Things I am thankful for.

1) My healthy and happy children.

2) My loving and lovely mother who lives with me during this season of her life.

3) My beau who loves me differently than any man has ever loved me.

4) My job which is beyond awesome and a great opportunity that I'm not even sure I totally grasp right now.

5) That, by the grace of God, I can run!

Good Night!

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